ANZAC Day Weekend 2004
Friday 23 April 2004
It is the weekend of ANZAC Day 2004. I have taken the day off work to lay
the lawn - at last. When we had the garden done last year, it was too close
to summer to put down grass.
This is the garden just before I started preparing the ground to lay the
turf. Even though we have been putting in plants, the dirt patch in the
middle makes the back yard look like a building site not a garden. We have
enough building sites around us not to want another one.
The grass was delivered, it was laid - there was not enough (I didn't measure
very well) I collected some more laid it, not enough again so I collected
the last little lot laid that and - hey presto - we have garden.
As you can see from some of the pictures, the house at the end of our garden
is well on the way to being finished. The block next door to them is still
empty. It was sold and the new owners have not yet started to build. Our
neighbours have started to build their new house so we still have daily
reminders of the fire recovery. Dust and noise are the most noticable things.
And just a reminder of how far we have come - this was the view on 8 February
Bernard and Lyndsey Robertson-Dunn's Canberra
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